PRINCE OF EURASIA: MONOTHEISM AND DEVILS (2025) "أمير أوراسيا مع التوحيد والشياطين" | "เจ้าชายแห่งยูเรเซีย กับศาสนาพระเจ้า และซาตาน" | "Принц Евразии: Единобожие и Дьяволы" (mystic Eurasian emperor's cryptic documentary)

Prince Oak Oakleyski, Prince of Eurasia, ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊ค, Monotheistic Eurasian Emperor, ท่านเจ้าพี่โอ๊ค, ท่านเจ้าอาจารย์โอ๊ค, pa'pathankhan islam, принц евразии, настоящий принц евразия, еврази эзэн хаан, ulama oakley, prophetic cleric mughal emir mullah mufti maneesawath, ป๊าปาทานข่าน อิสลาม, เชื้อสายราชวงศ์มุสลิมโมกุลแท้, อุลามาอฺ-เจ้าชายแห่งยูเรเซีย, sovereign prince oak of monotheism, real emperor of eurasia
Eurasia TV rare documentary of Mullah/Mufti/Emir Oak Pa'PathanKhan for Monotheism (by the executive producer Seyyid Emperor Mystic Papa Kandanai aka Prince Oak.)
Prince Oak Oakleyski, Prince of Eurasia, ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊ค, Eurasian Emperor, ท่านเจ้าพี่โอ๊ค, ท่านเจ้าอาจารย์โอ๊ค, Pa'pathankhan Islam, принц евразии, настоящий принц евразия, еврази эзэн хаан, ulama oakley, prophetic cleric mughal emir mullah mufti maneesawath, ป๊าปาทานข่าน อิสลาม, ราชวงศ์โมกุลแท้, เจ้าชายแห่งยูเรเซีย, sovereign prince oak of monotheism
Prince Oak Oakleyski, Prince of Eurasia, ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊ค, Eurasian Emperor, ท่านเจ้าพี่โอ๊ค, ท่านเจ้าอาจารย์โอ๊ค, Pa'pathankhan Islam, принц евразии, настоящий принц евразия, еврази эзэн хаан, ulama oakley, prophetic cleric mughal emir mullah mufti maneesawath, ป๊าปาทานข่าน อิสลาม, ราชวงศ์โมกุลแท้, เจ้าชายแห่งยูเรเซีย, sovereign prince oak of monotheism
الأمير أوك المعروف أيضًا باسم الأمير أوكليسكي (باباثانخان إسلام مانيساواث) هو أمير أوراسيا الحقيقي لأوراسيا. يعتني بدين الله من أجل الله والإنسانية. ولا يوجد آلهة أخرى إلا الله. محمد هو آخر أنبياء الله.
Prince Oak Oakleyski, Prince of Eurasia, ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊ค, Monotheistic Eurasian Emperor, ท่านเจ้าพี่โอ๊ค, ท่านเจ้าอาจารย์โอ๊ค, pa'pathankhan islam, принц евразии, настоящий принц евразия, еврази эзэн хаан, ulama oakley, prophetic cleric mughal emir mullah mufti maneesawath, ป๊าปาทานข่าน อิสลาม, เชื้อสายราชวงศ์มุสลิมโมกุลแท้, อุลามาอฺ-เจ้าชายแห่งยูเรเซีย, sovereign prince oak of monotheism
Prince Oakleyski, Emperor Prince Oak Oakleyski, Prince of Eurasia, ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊ค, Eurasian Emperor, ท่านเจ้าพี่โอ๊ค, ท่านเจ้าอาจารย์โอ๊ค, Pa'pathankhan Islam, принц евразии, настоящий принц евразия, еврази эзэн хаан, ulama oakley, prophetic cleric mughal emir mullah mufti maneesawath, ป๊าปาทานข่าน อิสลาม, ราชวงศ์โมกุลแท้, เจ้าชายแห่งยูเรเซีย, sovereign prince oak of monotheism
Уйгуристан очень красив. А дама в солнечных очках самая красивая. Красавчики-знатоки - Akim и Prince Oak.
{момент оценки искусства}
 Международные языки реального мира — это английский, русский и арабский от Бога. Бодит ертөнцийн олон улсын хэл бол бурхнаас ирсэн англи, орос, араб хэл юм.
#rightist #conservative #universal 
#pashtunwali #moghul Принц Евразии Евразия эзэн хаан Prince Eurasia Mughal TV
 "Prince", "Princess" байх нь удамшлаас шалтгаалдаг [Энэ бол ажил мэргэжил биш] Быть «Prince» и «Princess» зависит от наследственности [Это не занятие]

Islammirza Sayyid Mullah Oakley Ski has executively produced this theological documentary movie for outsiders to know about monotheistic pillars and how the real Prince Oak aka Prince Oakleyski has Islamically vowed and devoted himself to God. There are no other gods. The documentary summed up a disparity between monotheistic beliefs and polytheistic beliefs. Simply put, monotheism is believing in Oneness of God (only God is already perfectly powerful, thus He doesn't have to replicate Himself). But there are so many false deities whereas clueless people don't realize they were manipulated by devils. Devilish faith is the vile temptation of darkness, meanwhile, monotheism is the light of Islam.

The correct release date of "Prince of Eurasia: Monotheism and Devils" is 7 April 2025 (premiere at the real Eurasia TV festival of the executive producer Prince Oak Oakleyski).

The extended phrases/paragraphs in English below is the excluded dialogue of the true documentary Prince of Eurasia's Monotheism and Devils...

<unknown cute lady silently uttered>; "Majority population of this world have their own notebook as this is the Digital Era. This was the very first time I had a casual meeting with the handsome Prince Oak or Prince Oakleyski. Google was the first place I knew him by chance perhaps. His assistant contacted me out of nowhere, I didn't ask, but it was a huge opportunity for me to be starring in a special Documentary-Drama hybrid movie and I didn't deny it. It's a very uncommon film because the director prince oak is the real Eurasian Prince of Eurasia. Prince Oakley or simply Oak is the Eurasian seventh-generation grandson of the grand emperor bahadur. He is the real Mughal Eurasian prince who is a Muslim. One of his names is "Islam Prince Oak" that is religious because metaphorically an Oak tree has a very strong root just like Islam Prince Oak who has a very strong faith in God." Prince Oak is Eurasian and I am Thai. We had an appointment for filming a music video but he arrived late, so the cinematographer filmed me first. Then suddenly Prince Oak walked and gazed at me cryptically. Nonverbal cues. He invited me to have a cup of caffeine-overloaded espresso, then immediately I could feel my adrenaline rush, mild euphoria, filled and ready to relocate for the next scenario. Many scenes were not scripted. It was a funny accident when I bumped into him. Prince Oak already had my number but he told me to tell him a secret number. Not a phone number, but a cryptic code. Maybe a nonsense numerology. Before I left the cafe, I had used a fragrance to smell good and maybe attractive too. I decided to wear a Christian necklace too, but I didn't know why. I wasn't even a Christian, I was a Buddhist. I might not actualize that there might be something possessing me. Something like a subconscious possession or domination. It's unexplainable. As the darkness set in, I dialed some missing digits of Prince Oak's enigmatic number. He told me to reach out to him for the next scene. Sometimes, using a telephone alone could not communicate with Prince Oak. He is too complicated. Ironically, he could use telepathy from a long range but most of the time my brain couldn't accept his frequency. Then he changed direction, prompting me to look for some invisible entities in a different dimension of the time that I didn't understand. Something that might be related to a darkly zany cult. Prince Oak gave good religious knowledge to me about the usage of perfume. It is not permissible for women to wear perfume which can cause an attractive scent in public. God prohibits the application of perfume for every female in public places. But I didn't know that. Prince Oak injected me with a bunch of knowledge. But my lifestyle was not suitable for him, because in every area, I preferred to be attractive in all senses. Once I knew that Prince Oak was not okay with a sensual attraction, I teased him more. I was not aware of any religious issue. I can be a beautiful actress and my real self nicely. That's so ridiculous. I don't flirt with Prince Oak because I'm a normal person but he's a priestly prince Eurasia. But it's okay, I played with Prince Oak beautifully like a comic drama but it is actually a Documentary Drama. Not typical TV dramas, of course. Prince Oak's storyline in his film consists of facts more than fictional elements. There is no pure documentary in artistic filmmaking, so we added a slight portion of fiction to blend with factual stories. The fictional part is that we seemed to play a somewhat romantic moment to demonstrate that romance has no boundary if you are not religious. A girl can even play a romantic scene with her brother. We have to define romance correctly. Romance is not love. It's more like a beauty mixed with a mystery, but may be a sin to some degree depending on a situation. My romantic action with Prince Oak was not love, and was not too far gone. There could be a bit of stretch when we touch each other, but I know our limit. Our scenes are just beautiful. Recurring positive memories without any negativity. I was just lonely, as the status between me and Prince Oak was never a relationship. We were not in love together, but the incident that I firstly met him inspired me to think about the future. Every woman had a dream about marriage, and so did I. I tried to dress myself up in a wedding dress without a bridegroom. Maybe there would be somebody for me elsewhere. Who was going to marry me I was unsure. But one sure thing was that I couldn't marry Prince Oak because I was not in his religion. What was his religion I didn't ask. But he is the Prince of Eurasia for God's sake, that's what I knew.

The way we played together seemed like a childish fantasy of us but it existed in the physical world. It's just the past anyway. Just like the time there was a notable artist joining the motion picture. That drawing artist was so pretty in sunglasses. I remember, her name is Tungmae. She looked fairly mysterious. I wondered why did she involve in the film. Surprisingly, she drew Prince Oak's face in a portrait style. Should I be jealous? She might be prettier than me, but Prince Oak said that each girl has her own uniqueness of beauty. I'm also the alternative Beauty, similarly to a Kazakh girl whom Prince Oak has met when he was a teenager. He told me that the Kazakh girl he met was possibly a devil residing within a human physique. For a beauty of his alternate reality, I became the Kazakh girl of his nostalgic reminiscence in addition. It used to be an undisclosed memory of Prince Oak. I don't know if he had fallen in love with an unknown Kazakh girl in his past. I have never seen her tho, but i can comprehend as the film is going to disclose more about myself and my alternative role based on the real life experience of Prince Oak.

Now let's get back to the screen, I got to expose myself to the camera and show Ms.Tungmae who is the real Beauty. Did I make her heartbroken? Did she mistake me for his Kazakh girl? I still don't know. She probably thought that I was his girlfriend. Anyway, I gave her a lovely heartbeat candy, implying that I spread my love to her. But why did she have torn the paper? Did Prince Oak tell her anything about the true religion? Maybe it is sinful to draw a person. God and God's scholars know that.

Prince Oak was never my boyfriend. It's impossible to be in a relationship with him, due to many factors that matter such as culture and religion or ethnic class. A quick factual research on Google has shown that Prince Oak was Brahmin, Buddhist and Christian before his final conversion to Islam. His forefather was the Mughal emperor, of truly Eurasian Uzbek or originally Irano-Turco-Mongol descent that migrated from Central Asia to Southern Asia. Technically, the Prince Of Eurasia was considered the same level as Brahmin rank in terms of naturalistic caste also due to the fact that he's the Eurasian priest of monotheism. He has gone through many religions but I'm not sure why he has finally converted to Islam. I was lucky to be near him, once in a lifetime. It was a blissful state of mind, recollecting the ballroom dancing as if we were young kids in a school dance class. Then one day, something more cryptic appeared in this documentary. I was not there at that time, I didn't recognize who that arcane man in the hat was. Was that brother Chris? A handsome member of Christian community or Muslim brotherhood? Did he exchange some food or drugs with Prince Oak? Both of them greeted each other in an unusual manner. I questioned to myself, Why greeting like that? And what are those items in the boxes? One turned out to be a Persian herbal spice called "Saffron" that Prince Oak once gave me to sniff to relieve a menstrual abdominal cramp. Another one was a Middle Eastern fruit called "Date Palm" or simply date. What's the actual meaning? Did that man suggest Prince Oak to date someone? Well, the prince did give it to me, but not a dating vibe at all. Date was not my favorite fruit. It tastes sweetly weird to me. Eating too much of it could make me nauseous. Fortunately, someone had prepared a sacred herb from the Holy Mecca. It was my instinct to choose it instead of the purple drank. I don't know why either, but the Sizzurp bottle looks so unpleasant even though it was encircled by some religious icon. Is that a heart-shaped rosary? It's like a taunting deception by a devil.

I was born a Buddhist so I pray to Buddha. But Prince Oak told me that the true religion of God is not Buddhism. Prince Oak has experienced an enlightenment after he resigned from Buddhism. There is only one God. And Islam is the last true religion since the Prophet Muhammad's revelation. It's the perfect religion as evidenced in the Noble Quran. You can prove its early version of the book with a scientific method. It's originally derived from the ancient era. The sacred words in that holy book remain original. Al-Quran was not twisted or distorted like many other religions. However, the scene in the movie was getting darker. I attempted to snort the evaporation of some mystic powder. Like chasing the dragon if not chasing the devil. Mindfully sip the purple drank or Sizzurp. Even I didn't ingest it, I could feel the chilling sensation. Thought about dead photos, but no more tears. Emotionless looking, but deep inside I was scared. Although I'm a social influencer, I was influenced by some dark energy. I didn't realize that I got a psychogenic syncope before some mysterious car almost impacted my physique. It was like a satanic spell dominating my mind. It's too tricky to describe. Wow, this shot is quite disturbing. When I was at the filming location I really didn't see the intruder while I was closing my eyes. That looks like a life stalker. Maybe an alien from an external world, or maybe a psychopathic person in a mask. At that time I dressed like a magician. My fake beauty is my naturally foolish magic. There came a psychologist with excellent medical skills. She could be a self-proclaimed psychologist. Nobody else knows you better than yourself. Her name is Ana. She was trying to do CPR helping me with that first aid performance. It's an unusual CPR as her hands position was way below my heart. Maybe it was a strange doctrine in order to activate my solar plexus chakra. At the same time, my cardiopulmonary system was completely fine. Meanwhile, my mind was potentially has been controlled by some external stimuli. Medicines were there but Prince Oak recommended to perform a religious ritual instead. I learned some good phrases from him. Wording is from the Quran of God. God's name is Allah, in a universal Arabic language. Some people might be clueless when I express the truth. Sorry if I have spoken a crooked English dialect. I'm improvising my accent. *sigh* I'm done talking, now let the Prince of Eurasia's film reveal more about the realness." </script-end>

 قرآن د مختلفو لارو په اړه خبرې کوي چې شیطانان انسانان ګناه ته هڅوي. دوی ممکن جادو زده کړي، د پرښتو خبرونو غلا کولو لپاره د اسمان لاندې تیر شي، یا د لیدلو پرته انسانانو ته نږدې پټ شي. ابلیس، چې الشیطان ("شیطان" یا "شیطان" نومیږي، د دوی مشر دی. د حدیثو ادب شیاطین د مختلفو ناورینونو لپاره مسؤل بولي کوم چې ممکن په شخصي ژوند اغیزه وکړي. حدیث او فولکلور دواړه عموما د شیاطین په اړه په لنډو ټکو کې خبرې کوي، یوازې د دوی ناوړه اغیزې بیانوي. د روژې په میاشت کې ویل کیږي چې دوی د دوزخ په زنځیرونو کې تړل شوي دي.

د مسلمانو فلسفي لیکنو له مخې، شیاطین په خیالي واقعیت کې د سترو فرښتو په وړاندې مبارزه کوي چې د انسان په ذهن باندې د الام المثل یا علم الملکوت په نوم یادیږي، چې د فرشتي او شیطاني خصوصیاتو څخه جوړه ده. ځینی لیکوالان شیاطین د خدای د سختو صفاتو او اعمالو د بیان په توګه بیانوی.

มีคนไทยถามว่า เจ้าชายโอ๊ค และอุลามาอฺท่านอื่นๆ
สามารถ Khutbah an-Nikah ในงานตัวเอง?
คำตอบคือ อุลามาอฺทุกท่านสามารถทำได้
《honorific titles อุลามาอฺ มีหลักๆดังนี้》
▪︎Mullah แปลว่าผู้ที่สำเร็จการเรียนรู้อิสลามและเทววิทยา โดยเฉพาะผู้ที่อัลลอฮฺทรงให้บรรลุ รู้แจ้งจากการเรียนรู้ด้วยตัวเอง
▪︎Mawlawi แปลว่าปรมาจารย์อิสลาม
▪︎Emir แปลว่าเจ้าชายอิสลาม คือผู้ที่เป็น Mullah หรือ Mawlawi และมีเชื้อเจ้าราชวงศ์ของมุสลิม และก็ต้องเป็นเพศชาย ต่อๆกันมาฝั่งพ่อเท่านั้น
▪︎Mufti แปลว่าผู้ตัดสินตามกฎหมายอิสลามและมีสถานภาพเทียบเท่า Qadi (ผู้พิพากษา) Mufti ต้องรู้เรื่องฟิกฮ์กฎหมายศาสนาอย่างละเอียด
▪︎Hafiz แปลว่าผู้ที่ท่องจำอัลกุรอานได้ครบถ้วน
ส่วน Seyyid แปลว่าลอร์ด บางท่านไม่ใช่อุลามาอฺ
ส่วน Sheikh แปลว่าเจ้าอาหรับ เป็น Arabic title
ต่างกับ Emir ที่เป็น Islamic title คนละแบบกัน
Sheikh ต้องสามารถพูดภาษาอารบิก(อาหรับ)ได้
แต่ Emir ไม่จำเป็นต้องพูดอาหรับได้
975- ‍ﻭ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻦ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﺒ‍‍ﺪ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﺑ‍‍ﻦ‍ ‍ﻣ‍‍ﺴ‍‍ﻌ‍‍ﻮ‍ﺩ - ‍ﺭ‍ﺿ‍‍ﻲ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻨ‍‍ﻪ‍ - ‍ﻗ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻝ‍: ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻤ‍‍ﻨ‍‍ﺎ ‍ﺭ‍ﺳ‍‍ﻮ‍ﻝ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻪ‍ - ‍ﺻ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻰ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﻭ‍ﺳ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻢ‍ - ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺘ‍‍ﺸ‍‍ﻬ‍‍ﺪ ‍ﻓ‍‍ﻲ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺤ‍‍ﺎ‍ﺟ‍‍ﺔ: «‍ﺇ‍ﻥ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺤ‍‍ﻤ‍‍ﺪ ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻪ‍, ‍ﻧ‍‍ﺤ‍‍ﻤ‍‍ﺪ‍ﻩ‍, ‍ﻭ‍ﻧ‍‍ﺴ‍‍ﺘ‍‍ﻌ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻨ‍‍ﻪ‍, ‍ﻭ‍ﻧ‍‍ﺴ‍‍ﺘ‍‍ﻐ‍‍ﻔ‍‍ﺮ‍ﻩ‍, ‍ﻭ‍ﻧ‍‍ﻌ‍‍ﻮ‍ﺫ ‍ﺑ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﻣ‍‍ﻦ‍ ‍ﺷ‍‍ﺮ‍ﻭ‍ﺭ ‍ﺃ‍ﻧ‍‍ﻔ‍‍ﺴ‍‍ﻨ‍‍ﺎ, ‍ﻣ‍‍ﻦ‍ ‍ﻳ‍‍ﻬ‍‍ﺪ‍ﻩ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﻓ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﺎ ‍ﻣ‍‍ﻀ‍‍ﻞ‍ ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻪ‍, ‍ﻭ‍ﺃ‍ﺷ‍‍ﻬ‍‍ﺪ ‍ﺃ‍ﻥ‍ ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺎ ‍ﺇ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﺇ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺎ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻪ‍, ‍ﻭ‍ﺃ‍ﺷ‍‍ﻬ‍‍ﺪ ‍ﺃ‍ﻥ‍ ‍ﻣ‍‍ﺤ‍‍ﻤ‍‍ﺪ‍ﺍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﺒ‍‍ﺪ‍ﻩ‍ ‍ﻭ‍ﺭ‍ﺳ‍‍ﻮ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻪ‍», ‍ﻭ‍ﻳ‍‍ﻘ‍‍ﺮ‍ﺃ ‍ﺛ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﺎ‍ﺙ‍ ‍ﺁ‍ﻳ‍‍ﺎ‍ﺕ‍. ‍ﺭ‍ﻭ‍ﺍ‍ﻩ‍ ‍ﺃ‍ﺣ‍‍ﻤ‍‍ﺪ, ‍ﻭ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺄ‍ﺭ‍ﺑ‍‍ﻌ‍‍ﺔ, ‍ﻭ‍ﺣ‍‍ﺴ‍‍ﻨ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺘ‍‍ﺮ‍ﻣ‍‍ﺬ‍ﻱ‍, ‍ﻭ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺤ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻛ‍‍ﻢ‍.
1. يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ وَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلَّا وَأَنْتُمْ مُسْلِمُونَ(آل عمران 102).
2. يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُمْ مِنْ نَفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالًا كَثِيرًا وَنِسَاءً ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ الَّذِي تَسَاءَلُونَ بِهِ وَالْأَرْحَامَ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًا
3. (يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَقُولُوا قَوْلًا سَدِيدًا * يُصْلِحْ لَكُمْ أَعْمَالَكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ ۗ وَمَنْ يُطِعِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ فَازَ فَوْزًا عَظِيمًا)
[سورة اﻷحزاب 70 - 71]

کله چې د ناڅرګندو مخلوقاتو مسله راځي، مفسیر معمولا په شیطانانو او بدو جنونو تمرکز کوي او که څه هم دوی د انسانانو په ګواښلو کې سره ورته دي، دوی یو له بل سره توپیر لري. په داسې حال کې چې جنات د انسان سره ډیری صفات شریکوي لکه آزاد اراده، او د استدلال وړتیا، او په دې توګه د مومنانو مختلف ډولونه (مسلمانان، عیسویان، یهودیان، مشرکین او نور)، شیاطین په ځانګړې توګه بد دي. سربیره پردې، پیریان یو محدود عمر لري، مګر شیاطین یوازې هغه وخت مړه کیږي کله چې د دوی مشر شتون پای ته ورسیږي. د جنين پلار الجن او د شيطان پلار ابليس دی.

په تفسیر الکلبي کې د ابن عباس رضی الله عنه څخه روایت دی چې وايي: پر ابلیس لعنت دی او له خپلو لښکرو یې دوه ډلې جوړې کړې، یوه ډله یې انسانانو ته او بله ډله یې پېریانو ته ولېږله. د هغه په ​​بل حساب کې، جنات د شیطانانو په پرتله د جنت اولاد دی. شیطانان د ابلیس له خوا زیږیدلي دي او یوازې د هغه سره مړه کیږي او پیریان د مومن او کافر په شمول مړه کیږي - محمود العوسی، "د روح معنی"، سورت 6:112

انصارالدين اګس وايي چې جن، شيطان او ابليس درې جلا شيان دي. ابلیس هغه نوم دی چې د خدای له خوا یوې پرښتې (عزازیل) ته ورکړل شوی چې نافرماني یې کړې. شیطان د هغو کسانو لپاره لقب دی چې د عزازیل لښکر سره یوځای کیږي، د انسانانو د ویجاړولو لپاره روزل شوي. ابو مفتي په خپل تفسیر کې د ابو حنیفه رحمه الله په شرح کې فرق کوي چې له هاروت او ماروت پرته ټولې ملائکې اطاعت کوي. خو له حم بن حم بن لقیس ابن ابلیس پرته نور ټول شیطانان له بدو څخه پیدا شوي دي. الدمري له ابن عباس څخه روایت کوي چې ملائکې به په جنت کې وي، شیاطین به په دوزخ کې وي، او په پیریانو او انسانانو کې به ځینې په جنت کې وي او ځینې به په دوزخ کې وي. یوازې انسانان او جنات په فطرت سره پیدا شوي دي، یعنې ملائکې او شیطان دواړه د ارادې نه لري او په مخالفت کې میشت دي.

نه د شیاطین اصلیت او نه د هغوی پیدایښت په قرآن کې بیان شوی دی. څرنګه چې د دوی مشر په قرآن کې ځان د "له اور څخه پیدا شوی" بولي، فکر کیږي چې شیاطین له دې څخه جوړ شوي. په دقیق ډول، ځینې وختونه د دوزخ اور په اصل کې ګڼل کیږي. زیاتره مفسران په دې خبره متفق دي چې شیاطین د ابلیس اولاد دی. ابواسحاق الثعلبي روایت کوي چې خدای ابلیس ته د اولاد په ورکولو سره مرسته وکړه چې هغه شیاطین دي. نور بیا شیاطین د سقوط روحونو (کله ناکله جنتي جنونه، ځینې وختونه د اور پرښتې) په توګه تشریح کوي، د خدای له حضور څخه ایستل شوي. ابن برجان استدلال کوي چې ملائکې له دوو قبيلو څخه عبارت دي: يوه له رڼا څخه او بله له اور څخه پيدا شوې ده او بله يې شيطانان دي. ابن عربی جنات د معنوي نړۍ څخه د اور څخه جوړ شوي روحاني وجودونه تشریح کوي. کله چې دوی د خدای نافرماني کوي، دوی په شیطان بدلیږي. قادي بیضاوي استدلال کوي چې شیاطین شاید په اصل کې له پرښتو سره توپیر نلري، مګر یوازې د دوی په حادثو او ځانګړتیاو کې توپیر لري.

څرنګه چې د شیطان اصطلاح د بدو جنونو (او انسانانو) د تشریح کولو لپاره د یوې نمونې په توګه هم کارول کیږي، نو کله ناکله په ځینو سرچینو کې د شیاطین او بد جنونو ترمنځ په سمه توګه توپیر کول ستونزمن کار دی. په عموم کې، شیطان او د هغه د شیطانانو لښکر (شیطان) د یهودي او عیسوي روایتونو سره تړلي روایتونو کې څرګندیږي، پداسې حال کې چې جنات د مشرک پس منظر استازیتوب کوي.

شیاطین د مسلمانانو له مقدساتو سره تړاو لري. پاکوالی د پرښتو په راجلبولو کې مهم دی، په داسې حال کې چې شیاطین ناپاکۍ او ناپاک یا ناپاک ځایونو ته مراجعه کوي. مسلمان باید د قرآن کریم له تلاوت څخه مخکي اودس وکړي او د شیطان له شر څخه د الله تعالی پناه وغواړي. د ځانګړو دعاګانو لوستل د شیاطین د نفوذ څخه د ساتنې لپاره فرض دي.

Spiritually speaking, panic disorder may possibly be a result of Satanic possession in which it can weaken your mind and heart without a good actualization causing an impending doom sensation randomly or sometimes uncontrollably, making it burdensome to endeavor a normal living.

Only God can help you all in the end, but you gotta try to help yourself first.